It’s always exciting to spot a species of bird that we haven’t seen before here on Pomeroy
Reserve. Our list is gradually growing, we’ve only been compiling it over the last 2 years.
Yesterday there was such a commotion going on in our garden. It seems like there was a
hatching of insects and it hadn’t taken long for word to get out amongst all the birds that
there was a feast to be had. The Cape Glossy starlings were swooping and diving, taken up
in such a feeding frenzy. We also saw Brown Hooded Kingfisher, Black Collared Barbet,
Cape White-eye, Black-Headed Oriel, Chorister Robin, Dark-Backed Weaver and this
beautiful Golden Breasted Bunting. Its markings were clearly visible as it quietly sat in one
of the bushes waiting its turn, especially the diagnostic white stripes above and below the
eye. What a treat for a Monday morning.