One of the nocturnal animals that lives on Pomeroy Reserve is the Aardvark, sometimes also known as an Antbear. This unusual creature resembles no other mammal in South Africa with its long pig like snout and long tubular ears which end in a point. Up to one and a half metres in length, it can weigh about sixty or seventy kilos. It has short stocky legs with powerful claws that it uses to rip into termite and ant nests in search of its main food source, which it seeks out with its long, sticky tongue. Short hair covers its body and arched back, which tends to be the colour of the soil in the area in which it lives. Its tail is thick, up to 60cm in length, with not much hair and leaves a distinctive smooth trail in the entrance to the burrow it is using. We certainly have some very active Aardvark here on Pomeroy, there are lots of freshly dug areas and on one of the tracks a hole has opened up leading into a warren of tunnels. Claw marks were it has dug out the entrance are clearly visible on the sides of the hole.